DLMPS Council 2012-2015
From 2012 to 2015, the Council of the DLMPS consisted of the seven-member Executive Committee and eight Assessors.
The President was Elliot Sober

email: ersober -at- wisc.edu
The First Vice-President was Maria Carla Galavotti

email: mariacarla.galavotti -at- unibo.it
The Second Vice-President was Cliff Hooker

email: Cliff.Hooker -at- newcastle.edu.au
The Secretary General was Peter Schroeder-Heister

email: secretary-general -at- dlmpst.org
The Assistant Secretary General was Benedikt Löwe

email: b.loewe -at- uva.nl
The Acting Treasurer was Peter Schroeder-Heister

email: secretary-general -at- dlmpst.org
The Past President was Wilfrid Hodges

email: wilfrid.hodges -at- btinternet.com
The Assessors of the DLMPS in 2012-2015 were as follows:
Dennis Dieks (Netherlands)

email: d.dieks -at- uu.nl
Adam Grobler (Poland)

email: Adam_Grobler -at- interia.pl
Gerhard Heinzmann (France)

email: Gerhard.Heinzmann -at- univ-nancy2.fr
Pablo Lorenzano (Argentina)

email: pablo.lorenzano -at- gmail.com
Karen Neander (USA)

email: kneander -at- duke.edu
Nancy Nersessian (USA)

email: nancyn -at- cc.gatech.edu
Ilkka Niiniluoto (Finland)

email: niiniluo -at- mappi.helsinki.fi
Mariko Yasugi (Japan)

email: yasugi -at- cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp